Advanced Search Options

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Boolean OperatorsExampleResult
ANDMac AND ClientWill output any result with both 'Mac' and 'Client'
ORMac OR ClientWill output any result with 'Mac' or 'Client'
NOTvpn NOT sslWill output any 'vpn' result that does not contain 'ssl'
NEAR:nssl NEAR:2 vpnWill output any results where ssl and vpn are no more then 2 terms apart.

Date/Time OperatorsExampleResult
now@date<=now-12hFinds items created or modified at least 12 hours ago.
today@date=todayFinds items created or modified today.
yesterday@date=yesterdayFinds items created or modified yesterday

Comparison OperatorsExampleResult
= Contains@title=ipsecFinds items containing ipsec in their titles
== Is Exactly@title=="ipsec"Finds items containing ipsec in their titles
<> Excludes@title<>"ipsec"Finds items that do not contain ipsec in their titles
< Smaller Than@date<todayFinds items created or modified before today.
> Greater Than@date>yesterdayFinds items created or modified today
<= Smaller Than or Equal to@date<=yesterdayFinds items created or modified before today
>= Greater Than or Equal to@date>=yesterdayFinds items modified or created yesterday or today

Mathematical OperatorsExampleResult
.. Value Range@date=(2023/01/01..2023/01/31)Finds items modified between Jan 1 2023 and Jan 31 2023
+ Plus@date<yesterday+1dFinds items that were created or modified yesterday or today.
- Minus@date=yesterday-1moFinds items that were created or modified during one day exactly one month ago.

Wildcard OperatorsExampleResult
- (Minus, Hyphen, or Dash Character)report -technicalFinds items that contain report but don’t contain technical.
@field=( , ) (Parentheses and Comma With Field Queries)@title=("one exact phrase","another exacter phrase")Finds items that contain "one exact phrase" or "another exact phrase"
$ (Dollar Character)report $sort(criteria: 'datedescending')Finds items that contain report, and sorts them by date in descending order.
( ) (Parentheses Grouping With Operators)Liz (project NEAR:5 presentation)Finds items containing the three keywords but where keywords project and presentation are no more than five terms apart.